Thursday, September 18, 2008

ben and norah.

so this is what we went with and i'm not 100% keen on it but whatevz. clients are too fussy and i'm not fussed enough.

troublesome week. scared to go to my classes tomorrow. pretty certain my graphics teacher is going to eat me and my computers tutor is going to zap my face off.
thank youuuuu doctors certificate.
i'm sick of always being behind and i need some definite pointers on how to keep motivated. i'm coming to that scary plateau that so many of my friends have told me about where you don't know where you're going in life and if it has any meaning to what you're doing / WHAT IS THE POINT OF IT ALL.
i'm not going to be drawing forever. hell, i don't even know if i want to be.
i wish i could turn pocket lint into gold.

good friends of mine are fighting. it isn't nice and i don't like it and i hope it stops soon cos as strong as i pretend to be about these things, i'm never as supported as i come off.
some advice that i gave a friend of mine who is in the exact same position as me (that is, right in the middle of it all):
1. you're not having to choose between the two
2. no one has the right to make you do that
3. if they wanna confide in you, sure why not - you're still their best friend. just keep it to yourself.
4. if there's drama to be had, do the opposite and maybe it'll die down quicker.
too many people i know are drama-driven these days. i had hoped we had left that all behind in 8th grade.

meanwhile, i've found the best timezone game around (other than mario kart of course). LET'S GO JUNGLE. it's in an actual shape of a jeep that you climb in and there's guns in there that you and a partner shoot spiders and shit with. thing is, the two characters in it are a boy and a girl and after every level, it totals up your compatability rate.
so obviously i played it today with the boy and our first rating was 75% compatability and the caption was "more than just friends, but not quite lovers."
mad douche chill.
our second rating was only 20something % and the caption was even worse. so upsetting that i don't even remember it.
totally questioning the relationship now haha.

oh hellooooooo. seems let's go jungle is not only google-famous, but youtube famous.
sup wikipedia:!:_Lost_on_the_Island_of_Spice

mad nerdgasm.

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